

WiLO Networks Inc. | California USOct 2021 - Apr 2022

Network Engineer.


  • Build a mesh network based on LoRa PHY with ESP32 board + LoRa SX1276 chip for low-cost smart agriculture.
  • Work with MCCI LoRaWAN LMIC Library to realize the register level operating mode transition, interruption and data Tx Rx and CAD sequence of SX1276, and OS.Job level communication timing of ESP32.
  • Design the LoRa protocol between gateway and multiple nodes. Propose strategies to ensure the auto-initialization and the long-term robustness of mesh network. Implement field test in Duke Smart Farm and simulation in NS-3.
  • Investigate mesh for LoRa PHY network.

Cloud & ML

  • Implement the data flow from sensors to microcontroller to cloud. Use Azure InfluxDB SaaS to do data fusion and ML.


  • Design and build the PCB for back-scatter tag. Choose components and design PCB layout.


  • Organize and standardize WiLOLoRa.lib, WiLOSensors.lib and WiLOPCB.lib to support the operating of LoRa mesh network, interfacing of multiple sensors, driving integrated circuit components and code reuse.
  • Create KiCad schematic library and footprint library for PCB design.
Images Images

Sugon Information Industry Co., Ltd. | Beijing CNJul 2018 - Aug 2018

School-Enterprise Joint Cultivation Program.

  • Learned about server hardware structure and testing process.
  • Built Log Server using Docker container technology to make client nodes send log information to a server node and render the log information divided by day, stored by client IP and accessed through the browser.
  • Outcome: Project. [link]


Error Correcting CodeApr 2023 - Jun 2023

Implement the query-based network monitoring application.

  • Read TXT, PNG and WAV to bit-stream. Encode with (7,4) Hamming Code and (n,k) Systematic Cyclic Code.
  • Pass Binary Symmetric Channel. Decode with Syndrome and Error Trapping Decoder. Reconstruct file then analyze.
  • Outcome: Report. Location: LaTeX/report.pdf [link]

Large Scale Stream ProcessingJan 2020 - May 2020

Implement the query-based network monitoring application.

  • Create data generator with data generating thread and control receiving thread, stream processor with data receiving and processing thread and control receiving thread, database and website UI with function of controlling system and visualizing results.
  • Design the socket communication between data generator and stream processor, HTTP communication between database and other parts, control the data generator and stream processor through website UI with websocket.
  • Outcome: Report. Location: Project/Report/E6889 Stream Project Report.pdf [link]

Sparse Models for High-Dimensional DataJan 2020 - May 2020

Object tracking with Robust PCA initialization and sparse recovery.

  • We designed a system (Clear Focus) which implements robust PCA to get the initial box automatically as the input for L1 tracker to remove the human interaction. To make the whole process faster while keep a high-resolution video, we also introduce super-resolution reconstruction of the video frame to the system. The Clear Focus system is tested on a sport video and daily scenario.
  • Outcome: Report. Location: Project/Report/E6876_Report_cy2540_yl4189.pdf [link]

Internet of ThingsSep 2019 - Dec 2019

Team Leader.

  • Program ESP8266 with MicroPython and C to deal with analog data, SPI/I2C bus communication and interrupts, to work with Google Geolocation, OpenWeatherMap and Twitter APIs, to run as an embedded server and receive Android App message, to communicate with MongoDB and do gesture recognition.
  • Design a long-range, low-power, low-cost soil condition sensing system to simultaneously measure soil moisture and temperature over long duration at multiple locations. It is a distributed, scalable sensing network: using one LoRa gateway to link multiple sensor units via LoRa wireless communication. Data is stored in MongoDB. A dashboard website is built for spatial and temporal data visualization and systems control.
  • Outcome: Embedded System and Website. A ESP8266 smart watch, a soil condition sensing system and a website. [link]

Random Matrix Theory and ApplicationSep 2019 - Dec 2019

  • Reproduce the conclusions with uniform samples in "Bandlimited Field Reconstruction for Wireless Sensor Networks".
  • Experiment on Gaussian distribution of sampling and discuss the difference. Point out the problem of insufficient evidence for a conclusion in the paper.
  • Outcome: Report. Location: Project/Paper & Presentation/RMT_Report_ChenyeYang_cy2540.pdf [link]

Statistical LearningSep 2019 - Dec 2019

  • Reproduce the behavioral biometric methods results about identification and authentication in "Smartphone and Smartwatch-Based Biometrics Using Activities of Daily Living" with "WISDM Smartphone and Smartwatch Activity and Biometrics Dataset" using classification methods like Decision Tree, Random Forest and K-NN.
  • Conduct another method, Support Vector Machine, on the same dataset and compare the results of different methods applied to this specific problem and dataset.
  • Outcome: Report. Location: Project/Report/StatL_Report_cy2540_bw2632_zx2269.pdf [link]

Obstacle Avoidance for Unmanned VehicleMar 2018 - Jun 2018

Team Leader.

  • Built peripheral circuit and car structure based on myRIO development board, and programmed on myRIO with LabVIEW software.
  • Manually realized a remote motion control of vehicle to enable it to go straight, swerve, back up, etc.
  • Identified vehicle’s location by the infrared sensor and realized automatic obstacles avoidance.
  • Outcome: Project. A toy car which can be remotely controlled or run spontaneously to bypass obstacles.

Pattern ClassificationMar 2018 - Jun 2018

  • Implemented Fixed-increment Batch Perceptron algorithm, Fixed-increment Single-sample Perceptron algorithm and Widrow-Hoff algorithm in Matlab.
  • Realized real time face detection captured by camera based on OpenCV and using the Python programming language.
  • Built face recognition model based on CNN, training classifier and identified human face in real-time camera data.
  • Outcome: Project. [link]

Big Data Science and Research TrainingJan 2018 - Apr 2018

  • Learned Docker, RESTful, Cassandra. Got familiar with Spark, amCharts and D3.js data visualization.
  • Deployed the Tensorflow model(MNIST training) and recognition codes to Docker, to create a container identifying handwritten digit submitted by users, and store the data in Cassandra and report the result.
  • Outcome: Project. [link]


Ph.D. Teaching Assistant at University of California, Davis

  • EEC 173A / ECS 152A - Computer Networks (Prof. Sen-ching Samson Cheung) [Winter 2023]

M.S. Teaching Assistant at Columbia University

  • EECE E4764 IoT - Intelligent and Connected Systems (Prof. Xiaofan Jiang) [Fall 2020]

Technical Skills


  • Skilled in Python, C/C++.
  • Familiar with Matlab, HTML, SystemC, R, VerilogHDL.

Software & Tools

  • Design: KiCad, Autodesk Inventor, Altium Designer, LabVIEW, FDTD Solutions.
  • Platform: VS Code, PlatformIO, PyCharm, etc.
  • Others: GitHub, Linux, NS-3, LaTeX, Docker, TensorFlow, OpenCV, Spark, AWS, GCP.

Honors & Awards

Columbia University

  1. Nikola Tesla Electrical Engineering Scholar (Sep 2019 - Electrical Engineering Department of Columbia University) [link].

Xi’an Jiaotong University

  1. XJTU Third Scholarship (Dec 2018 - Xi'an Jiaotong University).
  2. XJTU Outstanding Student (Oct 2017 - Xi'an Jiaotong University).
  3. XJTU Siyuan Scholarship (Oct 2017 - Xi'an Jiaotong University).
  4. First Prize in China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (Provincial) (Dec 2016 - Education Department of Shaanxi Provincial Government / China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics).
  5. Second Prize in VEX Robotics China Open (National) (Dec 2016 - VEX China Open Organizing Committee / Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology Resource Coordination Center).